Regarder SFR TV dans Kodi

Un guide pour ajouter les flux TV de SFR dans Kodi À partir du travail d’investigation de Mohamed El Morabity et de Hugo (HugoPoi), il est maintenant possible de regarder les flux TV de SFR dans Kodi. Cela ne marche que pour le décodeur SFR évolution. WIP: Ce guide n’est fonctionnel que sous Linux pour le moment. J’ai prévu d’adapter la méthode à TvHeadend pour ajouter le timeshifting et le support de Windows. Prérequis Pour suivre ce guide vous avez besoin :...

My Prusa i3

This is what I learned about 3d-printing and my experience using EMotionTech Prusa i3. WIP: This is Work in Progress. So this article may contain mistakes and you may find errors or incomplete instructions. Who knows, maybe you will find a blue police box? The beginning of the story: how I choose my printer and all the problems I got After one year of online research and talking with friends I finally choose to buy a kit. Because I live in France, I choose a Prusa i3 Rework from eMotionTech....

Ramips device porting on OpenWRT

A step-by-step guide to explain how you can add a new ramips (Ralink and MediaTek) target on OpenWRT After porting two ramips target on OpenWRT (SFR Minihub and D-Link DCS5020L A1), I decided to write this guide to help beginners. It explains how OpenWRT structures devices and focuses on ramips target specialties. These instructions were written in August 2016, and at the time of writing the official Wiki was out of date. WARNING: THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. If you lose your data, brick your device, any other damage or anything else happens (e....

OpenWRT on the SFR Minihub

A step-by-step guide to explain how I managed to flash OpenWRT on my SFR Minihub The SFR Minihub stock firmware is very restrictive. This guide helps you to install a fully working OpenWRT system on it. If you’re willing to repeat this on your own device, you can clone this repository and OpenWRT trunk sources to have all the files ready. There are also precompiled files if compilation isn’t your thing. WARNING: THIS METHOD OF HACKING IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. If you lose your data, brick your device, any other damage or anything else happens (e....